The HR 45D model is a device suitable for use in determining the hardness of the Rockwell, either the ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The device contains a digital LCD reading of 12 regular Rockwell scales. It also has the conversion capability for other functions such as Vickers and Brinell. The LCD screen can be operated with the menu option for many functions, such as conversion and load cycle indication.
The printer for the test result and statistics can be connected to PC communication using the RS-232C cable. In addition, the dwell time is 2-60S of hardness, and contains automatic data for the loading control. It also features HRT measuring ranges, such as 70-94HR15N, 42-86HR30N, 20-77HR45N, 67-93 HR15T, 29-82HR30T and 10-72HR45T.