K8 The Scientific CMOS Camera
The K8 Scientific CMOS microscope camera offers a cutting-edge solution for the most challenging live-cell experiments. In an environment where sensitivity is everything, the K8 camera helps you capture more data* from your sample, thanks to a 95% quantum efficiency (QE) back-thinned CMOS sensor.
The K8 allows you to capture razor-sharp THUNDER images even in extreme low light imaging conditions, helping you to realize the full potential of your system. The K8 camera’s combination of extremely low read noise, minimal sensor artifacts and high QE allows you to extract quantifiable data from your sample while exposing it to the minimum of phototoxicity.
Gain the confidence to push the limits of your experiments with cutting edge sensor technology. Whether you need to capture stunning high-resolution images, carry out extreme low-light tracking of subcellular organelles or image high-speed cellular processes, the K8 can handle a wide range of challenging applications.
• - Live cells respond by activating stress pathways when they are exposed to the high-intensity light that is typically used for fluorescent imaging.
• - The K8 camera’s increased camera sensitivity makes it possible to use lower light doses* to capture images, thus improving cell viability and allowing you to extract meaningful data from your sample for longer.
• - The K8 camera’s market-leading 95% QE sensor offers exceptional photon detection, allowing you to push your experiment further.
*Than achievable with legacy 80% QE CMOS cameras.