Continuous wave diode laser driver, for the safe operation of high power diode laser systems.
The ampyr Laser-D 450/5 laser power supply powers your high-power laser systems safely, easily and efficiently. Control and monitoring can be performed either via a graphical user interface via USB or an analog interface. The power is supplied via a classic 3-phase mains connection.
If critical system conditions are exceeded, the 450 amp laser power supply is placed in a safe operating state and the internal power supply is shut down. External components can be integrated into the safety system via an interlock circuit.
Product Highlights
Output current 5 to 450 A
Extremely high stability of the current
Very low noise of the current
No overshoot / undershoot during switching operation
High efficiency
compact design
“Plug & Play” for 3-phase CEE power connection
Application areas
Stacked dion lasers (bars)
Solid-state laser