General information
■ Test of encoders with square-wave signals
Evaluation of encoders with
- HTL signal level
- Current or voltage output
■ Transmitting the data via WLAN or Ethernet to different terminals (tablet, PC etc.)
■ Display of the data in a web browser, idependent of the operating system
■ Compact device suitable for mobile use
■ Available as a complete set with test jig, interface module
and connection accessories in two transport cases
Display of the following encoder characteristics:
■ Signal level of output signal (HIGH, LOW)
■ Phase offset of the individual edges
■ Duty cycle
■ Applied operating voltage
■ Current consumption
■ Simple analysis of the measured values through clear,
graphical display of the signal patterns and table of measured sensor values for each individual channel, such as current consumption, duty cycle, standstill voltage.
■ Evaluation of the phase offset at the rising and falling edges
of the signals of multi-channel sensors.
■ Automatic generation of a report of the measured values
from the analysis. This can be printed and saved for documentation purposes.
Field of applications
■ Functional test of pulse encoders with square-wave signals