Code types, readable - 2/5 Interleaved
Code 32
Code 39
Code 93
Code 128
Data Matrix Code
EAN 8/13
EAN 128
GS1 Databar
GS1 Databar Omnidirectional
GS1 Databar QR code
GS1 Databar Stacked
Pharma Code
QR code
Reading distance - 50 ... 800 mm
Light source - LED, Infrared
Transmitted-signal shape - Pulsed
Camera resolution, horizontal - 1,280 px
Camera resolution, vertical - 960 px
Chip size - in
Frame rate (images per second), max. - pieces per second
Modulus size - 0.35 ... 1 mm
Electronic shutter speed - 0.068 ... 5 ms
Camera type - Monochrome
Protective circuit - Polarity reversal protection
Short circuit protected
Supply voltage UB - 18 ... 30 V, DC
Average power consumption - 8 W
Number of digital switching inputs - 1 Piece(s)
Type - Digital switching input
Voltage type - DC
Switching voltage -
Number of digital switching outputs - 1 Piece(s)
Type - Digital switching output
Voltage type - DC
Switching current, max. - 100 mA
Switching voltage -
Switching element - MOSFET semiconductor
Switching principle - +24 V switching
Number of inputs/outputs selectable - 2 Piece(s)
Type - Inputs/outputs selectable
Voltage type, outputs - DC
Switching voltage, outputs -
Voltage type, inputs - DC
Switching voltage, inputs -
Type - Ethernet, PROFINET, RS 232, RS 422
Function - Process
Transmission speed - 4,800 ... 115,200 Bd
Data format - Adjustable
Start bit - 1
Data bit - 8
Stop bit - 1
Parity - None
Transmission protocol -
Data encoding - ASCII
Function - Process
Transmission speed - 4,800 ... 115,200 Bd
Data format - Adjustable
Start bit - 1