This instrument is special used for orientation measurement of silicon single crystal bar, it can be used matches with YX-5Z/6Z and multiple line cutting device. Its biggest characteristic is that it can directly calculate l deflection angle, X & Y value of crystal bar after orientation measurement, and can accurately measure out angle value of partial wafer.
YX-5D silicon single crystal orientation instrument consists of X-ray controller, angular device, recorder, electromagnetic optical shutter, micro-controlling, keyboard, input information, screen menu displaying, data printing, angle displaying, peak value strength meter and so on.
Counting software applies with international common calculating method, with degree unit, displays minimum precision of 0.001 degree, measurement definition is ±0.008degree(±30〃), this product can measures 3-12inch diameter, 500mm length 111,100 crystal surface and so on.
YX-5D,Double angle meter, one for direction calculation, the other for piece measurement (8 inches).
YX-5DA,single angle meter, direction calculation.