HK-531 Shore Durometer (LX-A)
Shore Durometer.expecially designed for testing the hardness of vulcanized rubber and plasticproducts, has simple structure, easy operation and reading. High resolution,easy to use, portable. It complies with the international standards ASTM D2240 StandardTest Method for Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness
1. - Equipped with test frame, it can installthe gauge to the frame. Test the hardness to the rubber and plastic standardstrip in the lab
2. - The gauge is independent, user can hold thegauge to test the apparent containing rubber or plastic
Technical Parameters
1. - Needle stroke: 0~2.5mm
2. - Test range: 0-100HA
3. - Recommended range: 10~90HA
4. - Pressure: 0.55-S.05N (56~S21g)
5. - Measuring error: Error<=lHA in the range of 10~90HA