Lithium Iron Phosphate battery-fitted, autonomous power supply cabinet
Characteristics :
• Single, perfectly insulated and ventilated housing.
• Provides power to multiple consumers (PC, printer, terminal, monitor, etc.) from its multi-voltage outputs, from 5 to 24 V DC and/or 230 V AC.
• Houses batteries and all peripheral material (converters, chargers, etc.).
• LITHIUM batteries compatible with all types of transport (land, sea and air).
• Foolproof or dedicated sockets, depending on voltage type.
• Modular, upgradeable cabinet: plug-in, interchangeable converter boards depending on your requirements.
• Safety device to guarantee the service life of the batteries :
- Electronic safety to prevent the battery from being discharged;
- The safety is only released when the battery is fully charged;
- Very simple battery replacement procedure;
- Visual alarm (rotating beacon light) indicating critical levels for autonomy;
- Battery charge indicator (two-coloured LED);
- Main circuit breaker if the cabinet is not to be used for an extended period;
- Main power supply circuit breaker;
• Energy cabinet supplied with installation guide.
Warranties :
• The manufacturer's warranty is two years (parts and labour), applicable to all component parts used in the cabinet, with the exception of the battery pack;
• The batteries are guaranteed for more than 1 000 discharge/recharge cycles.
Advantages :
• Reduced footprint
• Increased longevity of batteries
• Handling of the cabinet effortlessly