As a high-performance fold wrapper, the RCB combines all the advantages of the traditional fold wrap with those of a hermetically sealed flow pack. In the high-performance range, it packs up to 600 small chocolate products per minute – and even up to 800 with open folding. It makes no difference whether the product is a regular bar, a small bar, a tablet, or a Napolitain. The result is always convincing with a premium look – and always with great tightness. This is ensured by the foil-against-foil sealed fold wrap. For perfect product protection – from environmental influences, for example. And for an improved taste and texture. Thanks to its compact design, the RCB also requires very little space at the installation site. Small things can be this good.
Particular benefits:
• Seals packs completely without hot-setting glue
• No product contact thanks to sealing – seals only film against film
• Active cooling in the sealing element zone to protect product from radiant heat – optional
• Maximum availability thanks to minimized start-up times, short setup times and format changeovers, and quick and easy cleaning
Boost your success with the RCB:
• short format changeover times of approximately one hour, depending on the format change – without any tools at all
• long service and cleaning intervals
• highest ergonomic and hygienic standards thanks to excellent maintenance and cleaning accessibility
• efficient, high-performance starwheel feeding combined with gentle product handling
• sealing involving only film against film and no product contact
• use of only one packaging material