Logitech APD2 Annular/Peripheral Saws are ideal for both research and production purposes.
The APD2 Annular/Peripheral Saws are extremely reliable systems provide versatility in material wafering or dicing. Enabling you to produce highly accurate, repeatable cuts with minimal material wastage.
The APD2 annular saw enables specimens to be accurately and thinly sliced, with the minimum of surface damage and kerf loss, and can cut wafer boules of up to 78mm in diameter.
With an APD2 peripheral saw, chips as small as 1mm x 2mm can be reproduced on a unit which accepts samples of up to 152 x 152mm (6 x 6″). Both units offer a combination of high positional accuracy.
Key Features
Available in either annular or peripheral cutting modes
High positional accuracy
Slice wafers up to 300 microns with minimal kerf loss
Dice chips to 1mm x 2mm with minimal edge chipping
Semi-automatic operation