The GTS1 Thin Section Cut-Off and Trim Saw is a compact, bench-top unit for the preparation of geological thin sections. The saw is ideal for cutting bulk rocks and thinning mounted sections of rock.
When cutting the mounted rock, there are two main considerations:
The thinned rock sample should be as thin as possible, in order to reduce the subsequent lapping time
The cut should be of the highest possible quality, to ensure that sub-surface damage is kept to a minimum.
The GTS1 Thin Section Cut-Off and Trim Saw offers a number of advantages over other saws. In particular, the variable speed linear drive system and feed rate monitor allow the operator to control the rate at which the samples move through the blade. This avoids many of the problems associated with gravity-fed systems, such as slides shattering if the entire cutting force is exerted on a small part of the sample at the end of the cutting operation.
For vacuum mounting of samples the VS2 Vacuum system is an ideal fit with GTS1 saw.
Key Features
Pre-thinning of slides to selected thickness
Accepts multiple slides up to 12 of 28mm x 48mm
Automatic operating cycle
Excellent cut quality and uniformity to 200 microns