The GLX-200 employs SESAM® technology and an all-solid-state design to deliver exceptional reliability and stability. A SESAM device enables passive mode-locking to provide nearly transform-limited femtosecond pulses at start-up with very low amplitude and phase noise. The GLX-200 uses diode pumping to deliver unparalleled reliability and long-term stability.
The GLX-200 femtosecond Nd: glass laser system offers a wide range of customer-defined repetition rates. Additional customized options include high output power, second harmonic generation, pulse selection, increased pulse width, fibercoupling, and clock synchronization with a phase-locked-loop feedback system. The GLX-200 laser system uses standard walloutlet voltage and needs no water cooling for easier installation and lower operating costs.
Passively mode-locked DPSSL
Air cooled
Turnkey operation
Customized systems
Photocathode illumination
Seeding amplifier
Multiphoton excitation
Pump-probe experiments
Nonlinear optics
Optical testing
Pulse picker
Switchable/tunable repetition rates
Multiple output beams
Second harmonic generation (SHG)
Remote control
Clock synchronization