The COUGAR high-average power, passively mode-locked, diodepumped, solid-state laser system employs SESAM® technology. Combining a saturable absorber and longitudinal pumping yields continuous clean picosecond pulses with exceptional amplitude and phase noise performance.
The COUGAR turnkey laser system can be customized to user-defined 20 to 400 MHz repetition rates, increased pulse width, frequency conversion, and timing synchronization with the CLX-1100 phase-locked-loop feedback system. The COUGAR laser achieves its specified performance level within a few minutes and requires very little maintenance.
Passively mode-locked DPSSL
Closed-loop water cooling
Turnkey operation
Low maintenance
Flow cytometry
Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
Multiphoton excitation
Seeding amplifier
Pump-probe experiments
Nonlinear optics
Multiple output beams
Extended pulse widths
Second harmonic generation (SHG)
Remote control
Clock synchronization