With its revolutionary two-tier design, unrivaled expandability, and rugged construction, Chameleon® is without question the world’s best manual screen printing press for sampling and production. And with Chameleon’s two-tier Duo-Deck™ design, four and six-color manual presses can expand to ten colors and eight-color manual presses can expand to fourteen colors, all without expanding the footprint. M&R’s System Integration design allows Chameleon to integrate seamlessly with M&R’s Tri-Loc Rapid Registration System and all M&R automatic screen printing presses to create the most phenomenal registration/sampling/production system available. Cost-effective and easy to use, Tri-Loc can reduce setup time on the press by as much as 95 percent. And Tri-Loc now includes the revolutionary Tri-Sync™ Pallet. The pallet’s contact indicators light up when the screen frame is properly positioned on the press, virtually eliminating operator screen-loading errors.
Chameleon’s expandability also allows manual screen printing shops to meet current color capacity needs with a Chameleon 4, 6, or 8-color press, secure in the knowledge that they can add future color capacity by expanding the Chameleon instead of purchasing a new manual press. And instead of investing in small, manual-only screen frames that can never be used on automatic presses, Chameleon owners can invest in standard frames designed for automatics. When Chameleon-driven shops step