The COLOR CONTROL system was developed for online color measurement directly on the pellet and is one of the most modern online color measuring systems in the world. This is the first time that an online color measurement production technology system which can reproduce the color of pellets and measure pellets fully automatically during the production process is available on the market. COLOR CONTROL is efficient, powerful, and easy to use. Whether you’re creating a new color formula, correcting a color, or controlling color consistency, COLOR CONTROL helps ensure the product quality your customers always expect, saving you time and money.
Two in one: competent analysis and professional production monitoring and control
Increased quality requirements and cost pressure in the production of products require early detection of color deviations or technical faults in the production process as well as improved process understanding. With regard to the ever-increasing automation of quality monitoring processes and total quality management (TQM), automatic fault diagnosis and production monitoring systems are indispensable. The COLOR CONTROL technology combines the proven online COLOR CONTROL color measurement technology with a technical production monitoring system.
The COLOR CONTROL system can be integrated and monitored in any compounding process with up to six production lines. Using the interface function, the COLOR CONTROL system can also be used to automatically monitor and control the dosing units