Quickclamp 432 433
Orbital Weld Heads for Multi-Pass GTAW Pipe Welding
The Magnatech Quickclamp weld heads are designed to make pipe-to-pipe and pipe-to-fitting welds. They are “full function” – with the capability of reproducing all the precise motions of a skilled welder. A continuously adjustable clamp eliminates the need to interchange components when changing pipe sizes. Simply slip the head over the pipe and clamp with a toggle lever. The Quickclamp heads improve productivity by increasing duty cycle, reducing repair rates, and producing welds of consistent quality.
•Multipass welding of tubes/pipes in all gravity positions
•Use economical standard 1 kg (2 lb.) wire spools
•Push button clutch for rapid cable unwind
•Heat tolerant steel bearings and chain drive
•Waterproof Carry Case/Tool Kit standard
•Socket Welding Kit and Tilt AVC option for angled torchapplications
•Water-Cooled Torch uses standard expendables
•Extension cables
TILT-AVC standard. Allows the torch to be pivoted for socket/fillet welding applications, maintaining the arc length correction motion along the tungsten electrode axis (tilt-torch bracket also provided standard).
HEAD mounts entirely on one side of the joint, allowing use for pipe-to-fitting welds.
PIVOTING SPOOL MOUNT Unique design maintains tension on wire, prevents bending (not required on Model 433)