These high quality, large character digital displays can be used for crane weight display, process weight display, and all other remote weighing applications. They use microprocessor based technology for high reliability and have a non-volatile memory to store all the calibration data.
Load-Force-Weight Systems
Magtrol Large Digital Displays are used with Load Monitoring Units (LMUs) or signal conditioners (AN Series), as part of a complete measurement system. Magtrol load measuring pins, which measure load and force to provide overload protection, are available for a wide range of Load-Force-Weight, and in various executions and accuracy classes. Combined, these products constitute an ideal safe measurement system for continuous overload monitoring.
Suspension mounted large LED displays
Digit sizes: 57, 102, 150, 200, 300 & 400 mm
Protection class IP 65 (sealed)
Fully corrosion resistant
Adjustable brightness
Power supply: 95…265 VAC
(optional 11…30 VDC or 48 VAC)
Input: 0…10 V, 0…5 V or 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA
Fully scalable in kg, t (ton), kN, and other engineering units
Auto tare function
Optional voltage (0 – 10 V) or current (4 – 20 mA) analog output