MAN Energy Solutions expanders recover energy in complex industrial processes. They are used in a broad variety of applications such as nitric acid, terephthalic acid, fluid catalytic cracking, gasification and blast furnace top gas recovery plants. Expanders significantly increase the efficiency of your processes.
Integrally geared expanders
The integrally geared expanders are applicable in a wide range of processes such as terephthalic acid and nitric acid.
High and low pressure ratios
Single and multi-stage
As a separate machine or as an integrated part of an integrally geared compressor
Wide range of volume flows
Axial flow
This expander is a standardized multi stage axial flow expansion turbine mostly used in nitric acid and blast furnace top gas recovery applications.
High efficiency
Stand alone or integrated in a complex train
Available also in a single stage design with radial inlet and axial outlet
Axial flow expanders for high temperatures
The MAN Energy Solutions hot gas expander is operating at temperatures up to 760°C and therefore used in applications such as FCC.
Available in single stage design with axial inlet and radial outlet
Multistage design with radial inlet and outlet available
Stand alone or integrated in a complex train