The JBA is an active summing junction box providing connectivity for up to four strain gauge-based sensors such as load cells, force sensors, pressure sensors, torque sensors etc. It derives its power from a host instrument such as the LCA20 and LCD20.
Individual channel gains are setup via an 8-way DIP switch and multi-turn potentiometers to produce an overall 1:1 input/output gain e.g. if three gauges are connected, they are each given a gain of 0.33 so that when summed, the overall gain is unity. The whole installation then appears as a single gauge to the host.
Any resulting offset (Zero) is not adjustable but can be compensated for in the host instrument.
For a simple summing circuit with no trimming and no corner compensation, use the Passive Load Cell Junction Board (JPP) and for fault monitoring and fault detection alarm features, use the Load Cell Junction Box with Fault Monitoring, (LCI).
Accurate and easy summation of up to 4 strain gauge load cells
Corner correction enabled to compensate for manufacturing tolerances and loading in multiple strain gauge installations
Individual gain adjustment provided for each channel
Simplifies installation of multi-cell platforms, silos, tanks and hopper weighing systems
Wide input range - from 0.5 to 20 mV/V
No interaction between offset and gain
No interaction between channels during calibration
Supplied pre-mounted in bulkhead housing (JBA as shown in main photo above),