When the gas has to feed a burner or when a variable gas flow
is required, a compact by-pass, directly bolted to the machine
and connecting outlet and inlet ports, is a simple and effective
solution. A suitable overpressure relief valve is fitted inside the
compact by-pass.
When the gas demand decreases, the outlet pressure increases,
and, when the set pressure is reached, the overpressure relief
valve starts to open and by-passes excess gas back to the blower
In case of low differential pressure, usually the compact bypass
is capable of handling the full capacity of the blower and
thus the machine can continue to run even if the downstream gas
demand is reduced to zero.
For higher differential pressures, where the use of a compact
by-pass is not allowed because of the high temperature increase
when the full capacity of the blower is by-passed back to the
suction, the machine can be supplied with the overpressure relief
valve fitted on an offtake at the outlet side.
In that case the flanged valve discharge could be piped-back to
the blower suction through a by-pass pipe long enough to allow
for sufficient gas cooling.
On request, we can also offer machines equipped with a suitable
gas cooler at the blower outlet, with overpressure relief valve fitted
in an offtake at the cooler outlet, and with the complete by-pass
pipe back to the blower suction side.
We can also offer automatic flow rate adjustment by means of
pneumatic or electrically operated flow control valve, fitted in
the by-pass line and controlled via the client process parameter
discharge gas pressure.