Scribe marking head MV5 VU4 SPRINT
This marking head has the same characteristics than the above mentioned marking head MV5 VU4. Due to other motor performances shortest marking times can be achieved; approx. 2 - 3 seconds for 10 characters in 3 - 4 mm character heights.
Available marking areas:
- Marking area (x/y) 80 x 50 mm (MV5 VU4 SPRINT)
- Marking area (x/y) 160 x 50 mm (MV5 VU5 SPRINT)
- Marking area (x/y) 80 x 100 mm (MV5 VU6 SPRINT)
- Marking area (x/y) 160 x 100 mm (MV5 VU7 SPRINT)