Groundbreaking process technology meets hygienic design
One machine - many options. Don't make your lab unnecessarily full and expensive with a variety of lab machines.
The C5 is the universal one-pot machine that combines an entire development lab in one.
Due to the unique mixing principle, all process operations such as mixing, deagglomerating,
dispersing, granulating, coating, kneading, and drying and many more are possible with a single machine.
Effective cleaning
Thanks to optimized accessibility, smooth surfaces and selected components, the C5 can be cleaned effectively and reproducibly.
Ergonomic and quick handling
The product contacted components (mixing tools, seals, scrapers, mixing vessels) can be assembled and disassembled in the twinkling of an eye.
Extra flexible
Simple change of mixing tools and parameter adaption allows flexible variation of different production and preparation techniques.
Technical features
Effective volume: 1.6 to 5.0 liters
One-piece welded mixing tool, selectable in various geometries, with tool speeds from 0.6 m/s to 27 m/s
Removable mixing vessel for ergonomic working and simple cleaning
Touching wall scraper to avoid product adhesion
Full stainless steel, high surface quality Ra < 0.8 μm
Excellent scalability due to consistent geometrical ratios
in the C-series