Semi-Automatic Bag Closing Machine (Clipping)
Double wire clips are used.
Pneumatic (powered by compressed air)
Packing Speed: 30 pcs / min (varies according to the speed of the operator.)
Clip Dimensions: 40 x 0.7 / 0.8 mm Clip Used: Double Wire Clip
By using black carbon suitable for hot stamping, 6 character date or desired hot stamping can be made.
Air consumption: 50 l / min Air pressure requirement: 6 bar 0.15 kW - 220V 1Ph 50 Hz 700 x 700 x 1000 mm - 37 Kg
An air compressor with a suitable capacity is required to operate the machine and to meet the air requirement. Approximate consumption
1 roll of plastic tape (500 meters): 12.000 pieces of cover 1 roll printing ribbon: 15.000 date printing