Our 25 – 100 Ton Hot Pressing Furnaces come with larger chamber sizes and are housed in a large 4 post frame rated at 25 to 100 ton. Incremental press sizes are 25, 50, 75 and 100 tons.
6” (152 mm) of travel is available on these models for increased sample or die sizes.
Temperature and material specifications are similar to the smaller Hot Press models, 2300°C maximum with the press rods installed, 2600°C in batch configuration.
A 12” diameter x 12” high (305 mm x 305 mm) usable zone is standard with other sizes available.
Temperature profiles can be synchronized automatically with press force or travel control profiles, if required. Profiles can also be set up to switch from travel to force control once a preset press force is reached. Temperature control is established by use of a thermocouple and/or pyrometer. The furnace can easily be converted to a batch furnace for production.