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Event recorder Monarch HD
videovision processingnetwork

event recorder
event recorder
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video, event
Measured physical value
vision processing
Number of channels
8-channel, 2-channel
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Matrox Monarch HD is a small, easy-to-use video streaming and recording appliance designed for professional video producers to stream a live event while simultaneously recording a higher, master quality version for post-event editing or archiving. Webcasting to YouTube and Facebook Live is easy for these popular platforms. All that’s needed is to set up the device once with these accounts and it’s automatically retained for subsequent streams. From any HDMI input source such as a camera or switcher, Matrox Monarch HD generates an H.264-encoded stream compliant with RTSP or RTMP protocols. While encoding the video at bitrates suitable for live streaming, Matrox Monarch HD simultaneously records a high-quality MP4 or MOV file to an SD card, a USB drive, or a network-mapped drive. Matrox Monarch HD is remotely controlled using any computer or mobile device with a web browser. Monarch HD can provide live content to CDNs such as YouTube, Facebook Live, and Ustream; media servers such as Adobe Flash and Wowza; or directly to a computer or device found on a LAN. The device is easily configured for YouTube and Facebook accounts with a few short steps. As a certified “Works with Wowza” encoder it allows users to benefit from enhanced integration with the Wowza™ streaming engine. Additionally, Monarch HD supports XML files generated for use with Flash Live Media Encoder. Record master quality video while streaming If an event is worth streaming, it is worth recording at the highest possible quality. The better the recording quality, the more value it offers a post event produced asset.


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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.