When a steady flow of compressed air supplied for a prolonged period of time is needed, Maxima 160 air compressors ensure savings both in terms of energy and operating costs.
Soundproofed W version fully watercooled: it cools oil and air entirely with water and is suitable for environments where the heat produced by the compression process is particularly complex to dissipate.
Soundproofed R version with heat recovery kit: recovers the heat produced during the compressor's operation and makes it available for heating water for industrial or domestic use.
Energy Savings
Equipped with IE3 efficiency class electric motor, Maxima 160 series compressors ensure an energy consumption per m³/min of air among the lowest in their category. The low rotation speed of the air end (only 1.000 rpm at 50 Hz) and the 1:1 direct coupling between the electric motor and the compressor allow energy savings of more than 15% compared to other rotary compressors.
Simple, Economical Maintenance
Maintenance is limited to changing the oil at scheduled intervals, cleaning or changing the air filter and cleaning the radiator. The absence of rolling bearings contributes significantly to reducing maintenance costs.
Soft Start
This solution starts the motor progressively, thus drastically reducing the power used during this particular phase. Limiting the absorption means reducing electrical and mechanical stress of the machine and the system, and reducing energy consumption.
Dual Speed Cooling
A dual speed electric fan that senses heat changes ensures constant internal compressor temperature, by increasing or decreasing the cooling air flow.