Maestro XB is a microprocessor command and control device able to adapt the compressor operation to the specific needs of the air network to which it is connected. It features several programming levels and the possibility of controlling and analysing the operation and anomalies. It can be fitted on compressors installed in environments with temperatures even below zero and in environments with high humidity, while maintaining its efficiency and functionality.
Easy Use
Maestro XB is equipped with a menu structure with ergonomic control panel and keys for quick access to the main menus. It is provided with a multilingual user interface and remote start/stop control.
Easy and Intuitive Display
The LCD display offers a clear view of analogue data (line pressure and oil temperature) and general data (alarms, operational messages, machine status, maximum and minimum pressure) while the menu structure allows a facilitated management of software functions. Maestro XB is also equipped with counter.
Two Programming Levels
Maestro XB features two programming levels depending on the access credentials: one for the user and one for the authorised technician.
Clock Module
Optional expansion that adds the weekly and hourly programming function for starts and stops.
Immediate View of Machine Status
Maestro XB detects any faults in the compressor system and/or protection and safety devices and records up to 10 anomaly events. Moreover, it is able to activate the notification of the following machine statuses: activated compressor (optional), compressor blocked (as standard).