The USB-2404 Series of isolated USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices provide simultaneous analog input and multiple sensor support for measuring thermocouples, RTDs, resistance, and bridge-based sensors. Each device features an A/D per channel, and includes channel-to-channel and system to host isolation.
The USB-2404-10 and USB-2404-60 are designed for both high-speed and accuracy.Their resolution, sample rate, and input range make them ideal general-purposeanalog input devices. The USB-2404-UI is designed for multipurpose testing, andcan measure several signals from different sensors such as RTDs, thermocouples,load cells, and other powered sensors.All USB-2404 Series devices include channel-to-channel isolation to protect theentire system from harmful voltage spikes and to eliminate measurement errorscaused by ground loops.
Analog Input
Each USB-2404 Series device providessimultaneous sampling of four analoginputs, and 250 Vrms channel-to-channeland channel-to-ground isolation.All devices can connect to either groundreferenced or floating signal sources.
The USB-2404-UI provides four individually configurable channels of 24-bituniversal analog input with integratedsignal conditioning. All channels aremeasured simultaneously at up to 100 S/sper channel.
• Voltage
• Current
• Thermocouple
• RTD (4-wire and 3-wire)
• Resistance (4-wire and 2-wire)
• Bridge-based sensors (quarter-, half-, and full-bridge)
Measurement ranges vary for each type of measurement.