Signal analyzer DT9847 series

signal analyzer
signal analyzer
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Measured entity
Application domain
monitoring, audio
Measured value
Other characteristics
digital, sampling, simultaneous, dynamic


The DT9847 Series of USB dynamic signal analyzers provide highly accurate measurements for sound and vibration measurements. Up to two analog outputs are available. Features include an A/D per channel, simultaneous analog I/O, wide bandwidth, low harmonic distortion, and IEPE signal conditioning for direct sensor measurements. The DT9847 Series are high-accuracy, dynamic signalacquisition modules designed for sound and vibration applications. These modules are ideal for precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, andother transducers that have a large dynamic range.Common applications include audio, acoustic, andvibration testing. Combine the DT9847 with the ready-to-measure QuickDAQ application to create a powerful FFT Analyzer instrument. Additionally, all Data Translation devices include comprehensive driver and software support,and interface tools for LabVIEW™ and MATLAB® programmers. Analog Input Channels The DT9847-2-2 module provides two analog inputchannels and the DT9847-3-1 module provides threeanalog input channels. These are single-ended channels;IEPE sensors can be connected to these inputs. Softwareselectable gains of 1 and 10 provide effective inputranges of ±10 V and ±1 V. The DT9847 Series modules use24-bit Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)that provide anti-aliasing filters based on the clock rate.These filters remove aliasing, which is a condition wherehigh frequency input components erroneously appear aslower frequencies after sampling.


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