The DT9857E USB dynamic signal analyzer provides a higher channel count over other DSA devices to provide highly accurate measurements for portable sound, vibration, and force response measurements. Features include an A/D per channel, up to two analog outputs, one tachometer, and IEPE signal conditioning for direct sensor measurements.
The DT9857E is a high accuracy dynamic signal acquisitionmodule for noise, vibration, and acoustic measurements.Eight or sixteen, 24-bit, IEPE (ICP®) sensor inputs aresynchronized with a tachometer input, two measurementcounters, and a general purpose counter/timer toprovide data streams that are matched in time, for fieldor laboratory use. Up to two stimulus D/A outputs, each32-bit resolution, and an 8-bit digital output port areavailable for dynamic waveform generation and control.This rugged, compact module, available either as an OEMboard or steel-encased module, connects via USB makingthem ideal for many measurement applications.
• Simultaneous IEPE analog inputs, waveform stimulusanalog outputs, tachometer synchronous with inputdata stream, advanced pre and post triggering,16 DIO (8 in/8 out), synchronous counter/timers,and Sync Bus for up to 64 A/D channels and up to8 D/A channels.
• All inputs and outputs can be synchronized formeasurement data coherenceo Supports the ability to return the value of thedigital input port, tachometer, measure counters,and general-purpose counter in the analog inputdata stream, all synchronous with analog inputdata stream providing correlation of tachometeror any digital input with analog signals.