The USB-230 Series of USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices provide improved cost/performance compared to our similarly priced 16-bit DAQ devices. Each device provides analog input and output along with digital and counter functions. OEM versions are available for embedded applications.
USB-230 Series devices provide improved cost/performance compared to oursimilarly priced 16-bit DAQ devices. Each device offers eight analog inputs, twoanalog outputs, eight DIO channels, and one counter input.
Analog Input
All USB-230 Series devices provide fourdifferential (DIFF)/eight 16-bit singleended (SE) analog inputs with a fixedanalog input range of ±10 V.
Sample Rate
The maximum continuous sample rateis an aggregate rate. The following tablelists the maximum rate per channel whenscanning from one to eight channels.
Analog Output
USB-230 Series devices provide two 16-bitanalog outputs. One or both outputs canbe updated at a rate up to 5 kS/s per channel. The output range is fixed at ±10 V.
Digital I/O
Eight TTL-level digital I/O lines are includedwith USB-230 Series devices. Each channelis software-selectable for input or output.Digital input voltage ranges from 0 Vto 5 V are supported, with thresholds of0.8 V (low) and 2.3 V (high).When used in output mode, each digitalchannel allows for 3.3 V operation with asource/sink current limit of ±4 mA.All DIO lines are set to high-impedanceinputs at system startup and reset. Thedevice does not drive the signal highor low. Each line has a weak pull-downresistor connected to it.All digital I/O updates and samples aresoftware-paced.