made of two layers of antistatic, (Electrical resistance over length:, <104 O/cm - Electrical resistivity:, <103 O*cm) Polyamide 12, HIPHL and one middle layer of, PA 12 PHL with improved barrier, properties., The outer and inner layers of, antistatic PA 12 are electrically, conductive (it makes it able to, eliminate electrostatic charges),, anti-static and heat stabilized., They are combined with a PA 12, PHL with superior barrier properties, to reduce the permeation of, particles that is one of the main, defects of the mono-wall antistatic, tubing., We manufacture a range of black, flexible hoses.
Products of the series 12RA can be used in a temperature range from -20°C to 80°C.
± 0,1 on wall thickness
± 0,1 on oØ
± 0,5% on weight
Industrial automation; Vacuum equipment; Powdered paint; Low temp below 10; Chemical resistance; Low permeability; ATEX; Petrolium based chemical transfer;