The O²7000 is specially developed for in-line processes. Designed for High Speed, it allows trays to be sealed on one or two lines.
The O² 7000 in-line traysealing machine can be fitted with 2 on-board Single Line tools.
They allow the production of 2 tray formats in Mixed Non-Simultaneous mode, without changing the format.
This reduction in the number of format change operations increases the prouctivity of the line and saves time for the operator.
The format change on the Oxygene range of traysealing machines is easily done using a mobile cart specially designed to avoid the handling of heavy tools. It is sufficient to slide the tools from their station from the traysealer to the trolley and vice versa. A trick that saves operators time and effort.
The O² 7000 in-line traysealer is a Plexi Inox enclosed machine which provides a safe working environment for the operator. Plexiglas housings make it possible to follow and monitor the operating cycles of the machine.
This complete enclosure does not in any way reduce accessibility to the various workstations:
Tailgate opening of the upper and front casings;
Tilting or retractable lower casing.
The complete protection of the traysealer guarantees the integrity of the products during the sealing operation (no risk of external “pollution”).