• Two proven voltage wave shapes in one device
• Standard compliant VLF cable testing with accompanying PD diagnosis
• Non-destructive PD diagnosis by means of proven DAC voltage
• 50/60 Hz Slope Technology for a direct comparison with the power frequency
Megger’s revolutionary new TDS NT is a unique, all-in-one cable testing and diagnosis system. It offers two well-proven wave forms – Very Low Frequency Cosine Rectangular (VLF CR) for withstand testing and Damped AC voltage (DAC) for non-destructive Partial Discharge diagnosis. These can be used to test cables to international standards such as the IEEE 400.3 and IEC 60502-2. The TDS can also be used for DC tests and sheath tests to the IEC 60229 standard. When paired with a step voltage sensor, it can even be used for precise pinpointing of sheath faults.