MEISER GRP profiles are an innovative alternative to traditional construction materials as steel, aluminium, wood or concrete. With a relatively small selection of GRP profiles a wide range of applications can be realized: e.g. staircases, stages, gangways and ladders.
All MEISER GRP profiles are manufactured according to the European Norm EN 13706.
Unsaturated polyester are standard use.
The reinforcing glass fibers run as rovings longitudinally and serve as a cross reinforcing mat. The layout is complemented by a thermoplastic surface veil. The standard colour is grey similar to RAL 7032.
The manufacturing of the MEISER GRP profiles is certified according ISO 9001/2000 and supervised by independent testing institutes.
MEISER keeps the so called EBA permission (EBA = legal authority of German Railways) for GRP- construction profiles acc. TM 2010-354 I.NVT 4 (TM = technical memorandum).
Consequently all marked products can be used as substructures for signal platforms, catwalks and staircases.