Membrane system technology has a more and more important percent in water management market, especially the “UF+RO” Integrated Membrane System (IMS) widely apply in industrial water treatment, seawater desalination, boiler feed water, medicine industry, drinking water plants,, etc. MS “UF+RO” package system design with compacted construction and smaller footprint, and concentrate design for circulation reuse to save water, lower chemicals consumption to reduce recontamination, and PLC system for easier and continuous operation to extremely improve the running efficiency.
Power Plants
Process: Ground Water →Pre-filtration + UF + RO + EDI/Mixed Bed
UF Option: PVDF / PES UF Module
RO Option: BWRO/FRRO Series
Drinking Water (Bottled Water)
Process: Sweet Water→Pre-filtration+ UF + RO + UV
UF Option: PVDF/PES UF Module
RO Option: ULRO/LPRO Series
Seawater Desalination Plants
Process: Seawater→Pre-filtration+ UF + RO
UF Option: PVDF Module
RO Option: SWRO Series
Reclaimed Water Reuse
Process: Reclaimed Water→Prefilter +UF + RO (+EDI)
UF Option: PVDF UF Module
RO Option: SWRO/BWRO/FRRO Series