CO2 incubator ICOmed ICO150med
Safety at all times: High-end functions for the protection of cell cultures, bacteria cultures or tissue cultures.
Standard delivery CO2 incubator ICOmed
On this page, you can find all the essential technical data on the Memmert CO2 incubator ICOmed. Our customer relations team will be pleased to help if you want further information.
Humidity control (standard): Humidity limitation thanks to a Peltier element; when water dish is full and inserted, the Peltier element limits the value of relative humidity in the interior to 93 % rh +/- 2.5 %
Setting accuracy humidity: 0.5 % rh
Setting range active humidity control (with option K7): 40 to 97 % rh and rh-Off
Control of standard components
CO2 control: Digital electronic CO2 control with dual beam NDIR system, with auto-diagnostic system and acoustic fault indication, barometric pressure compensation
Adjustment range CO2: 0 to 20 % CO2
Setting accuracy CO2: 0,1%
Variation in time CO2: +/- 0.2 % CO2
Adjustment range O2: 1 to 20 % O2
Setting accuracy O2: 0.1 % O2
Control technology
ControlCOCKPIT: TwinDISPLAY. Adaptive multifunctional digital PID-microprocessor controller with 2 high-definition TFT-colour displays.
Language setting: German, English, Spanish, French, Polish, Czech, Hungarian
Function SetpointWAIT: the process time does not start until the set temperature is reached
Adjustable parameters: temperature (Celsius or Fahrenheit), CO2, programme time, time zones, summertime/wintertime
Interface: Ethernet LAN, USB