The CAD CAM software OmniBevel 2022 is the professional software product for bevel cutting. It represents straight cuts, cylindrical holes, exact bevel angles and parts with absolute dimensional accuracy. The application is also characterized by enormous flexibility. Almost all possible technology parameters and operation details can be adjusted.
The intelligent defaults based on the technology database often render any manual intervention redundant. This ensures efficient operations whilst meeting the highest quality standards.
Optimum harmonization and precise instructions
To achieve quality bevel cuts the NC code generated must match exactly the capabilities and performance of the machine used. Lateral and angular offsets must be considered for all cuts. Lead-ins and lead-outs as well as joining macros between individual contour areas must be placed in such a way that no damage to the contours occurs. Bevel cuts make the highest demands on the programming of the cutting plan.
Makes the most of your machine
The CAD CAM software OmniBevel 2022 is a postprocessor module with graphical user interface. It inserts bevel information and technological requirements into NC plans in such a manner that the machine used gives optimum cutting results in automatic operation. With OmniBevel 2022 you are using the tool which will guarantee you the best quality when bevel cutting. OmniBevel 2022 brings out everything possible from your machine with a bevel unit.