Flow computer for calculating compensated flow and thermal energy of steam, water and other liquid media and compensated flow of process gases with electronically registered results.
- Simultaneous consumption calculations in up to two different measurement systems (A, B) for separate process lines.
- The computer enables :
compensated flow and energy measurement of unsaturated or saturated vapour and water,
compensated flow and energy measurement of other liquids, calculations are made within a range of tabular values entered by the user,
compensated flow measurement of process gases.
- The computers can interact with the following types of flowmeters:
mass flowmeter,
volumetric flowmeter,
differential pressure flowmeter with approximation using root characteristic or according to an iterative algorithm.
- The device has ten measurement inputs :
2 x RTD/I, three inputs adapted for connection of resistance temperature sensors (Pt100, Pt200, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000) and transducers with a 0/4‑20mA current output,
1 x I, four inputs for interaction with 0/4‑20mA transducers only,
2 x I/PULS,three inputs intended for connection of transducers with a 0/4‑20mA current output or with a pulse output (range 0.001Hz … 10kHz).
- 4 semiconducting output relays: alarm and control functions, operation in pulse output mode with fixed pulse weight.
- 1 optional 4-20mA analog outputs.
- RS485 port and Ethernet port (www server).
- 2GB internal flash memory (USB port).