DX207-Li ISE
- Ion-selective half-cell electrode
- 1...1*10-6 mol/L, polymer membrane, POM/PVC shaft, S7 screw cap, seperate reference electrode and appropriate cables required
- Membrane kit: 51107687, electrolyte: 51107881, electrolyte for reference electrode: 3 mol/L KCl, ISA solution: 0.5 mol/L MgSO4
- Ion-selective half-cell electrode
- 100...4*10-7, polymer membrane, POM/PVC shaft, S7 screw cap, seperate reference electrode and appropriate cables needed
- Membrane kit: 51340012, electrolyte: 51340035, electrolyte for reference electrode: 2 mol/L MgSO4, ISA solution: 0.5 mol/L MgSO4
- Ion-selective half-cell electrode
- 100...5*10-7 mol/L, solid state membrane, POM shaft, S7 screw cap, seperate reference electrode and appropriate cables needed
- Membrane kit: 51340008, electrolyte: 51340031, electrolyte for reference electrode: 3 mol/L KCl, ISA solution: TISAB III