Versatile titrator for all applications.
The T7 expands modularity for Excellence line titrators, from 1 to 4 total burettes plus an extra sensor board to grow with advanced needs including KF. Supports InMotion automation + future upgradeability to full T9 functionality.
Expanded Modularity and Upgradeability
The T7 widens options for additional burettes and sensor boards. When future needs are uncertain, the T7 allows full upgradeability to a T9 titrator.
Fully Flexible Automation
Compatible with powerful InMotion automation. Sample changing, complex titrations, cleaning steps and more run automatically, saving operator's time.
Solid Compliance
In regulated environments, LabX software provides full support for your compliance needs to 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11.
One Click User Interface
With the intuitive One Click touchscreen interface, customize home screens to run your workflows quickly and easily with a single tap on the screen.
Plug & Play Accessories
Sensors and burettes are automatically recognized when connected. Avoid errors by eliminating extra data entry steps and reduce instrument setup time.