The basic idea: Highest cutting rates of up to 4000 cuts per minute with one knife and, if required, even higher speeds with multiple knives, a choice of »Stop & Go« or continuous cutting, different machine sizes for materials up to 120mm diameter, knife lubrication and peripherals interfacing as standard.
The Dynamat machines process elastic materials with precision and high repeatability – from silicone tubing for medical applications, textile-reinforced hoses to profiles. It makes no difference whether the material comes from a single extruder or is unwound from a reel.
The customer-orientated »Red – Green – Blue« equipment levels are also offered for the Dynamat range with the following features:
Red: Only continuous cut, simple controls, very attractive price and combination with peripherals as stand-alone units.
Green: Choice of »Stop & Go« cut (up to 400 cuts/min) or continuous cut, easy-to-use PLC controls with many menu functions.
Blue: Unique cutting performance of up to 800 cuts/min in »Stop & Go« cut mode in combination with a particularly high-speed control system. Also continuous cut mode.
Key Features
• Servo cutter with outstanding cutting performance with up to 4000 cuts per minute
• Choice of »Stop & Go« cut or continuous cut
• Optional blade lubrication
• Precise length measurement with belt feed, measuring wheel or end-sensing
• High blade service lives