The MIC2588 and the MIC2594 are single-channel, negative-voltage hot swap controllers designed to address the need for safe insertion and removal of circuit boards into "live" high-voltage system backplanes, while using very few external components. The MIC2588 and the MIC2594 are each available in an 8-pin SOIC package and work in conjunction with an external N-Channel MOSFET for which the gate drive is controlled to provide inrush current limiting and output voltage slew-rate control. Overcurrent fault protection is also provided and includes a programmable overcurrent threshold. During an output overload condition, a constant-current regulation loop is engaged to ensure that the system power supply maintains regulation. If a fault condition exceeds a built-in 400µs nuisance-trip delay, the MIC2588 and the MIC2594 will latch the circuit breaker's output off and will remain in the off state until reset by cycling either the UV/OFF pin or the power to the IC. A master Power-Good signal is provided to indicate that the output voltage of the soft-start circuit is within its valid output range. This signal can be used to enable one or more DC-DC converter modules.
Product Features
Provides safe insertion and removal from live -48V (nominal) backplanes
Operates from -19V to -80V
Electronic circuit breaker function
Built-in 400µs "nuisance-trip" delay (tFLT)
Regulated maximum output current into faults
Programmable inrush current limiting
Fast response to short circuit conditions (< 1µs)
Programmable undervoltage and overvoltage lockouts (MIC2588-xBM)
Programmable UVLO hysteresis (MIC2594-xBM)
Fault reporting: Active-HIGH (-1BM) and Active-LOW (-2BM) Power-Good output signal