The LORD MICROSTRAIN WSDA® -Base -104 -LXRS® Wireless USB Base Stations are made to be built in a MicroStrain Wireless Sensing System high speed wireless sensor network. They offer offer communication between PCS and wireless nodes, featuring SG-Link® -mXRS™ and SG-Link® -OEM-S wireless strain nodes, G-Link® -mXRS™ wireless accelerometer node, and DVRT-Link™ -mXRS™ wireless displacement node. They support a large number of programmable sampling modes, and contain a USB connectivity option in a small rugged form factor. A single radio channel can offer communication for multiple nodes, as well as simultaneous data acquisition on varying schedules (sec, min, hrs), in bursts (up to 100 KHz). They are compatible with the MicroStrain Node Commander® software, offering configuration and specific settings via Synchronized Sampling Wizard, that offer a unique time slot, offering collision-free data transfer, via TDM.