Various Sensing Ranges
Low Frequency – 38.5 kHz
2-Way Power Operation
Small Remote Transducer
2 Independent Range
LED Indicators
Isolated Form C Relay Outputs
Small Electronic Controller
The RPS-2100 is a single transducer device with 2 independent range control adjustments, LED indicators, and form C relay outputs. These make the sensor well suited for high and low level control, or other applications where two set points are needed. This sensor also has a unique master and slave feature which enables many of the same units to be used within close proximity of one another without cross-talk interference. For example, if three sensors are needed in a close area, one sensor would be left as a master and the other two would be slaves. This is done by means of the X IN, X OUT, and GND connection on the board. One sensor (master) would send a signal by means of the X OUT and GND terminals. These would be connected to the X IN and GND terminals of the other two sensors (slaves). With the sensors connected in this way, all units would be transmitting and receiving at the same time. This then would prevent cross-talk and enable all three sensors to be used at the same time in close proximity of one another.
There are also separate turn ON and turn OFF DELAY potentiometers provided for each set point. All four DELAY controls are located along side the black module inside the enclosure box. The remote transducer allows for mounting of the sensor head in cramped spaces while the controller is out of the way. The (2) independent and isolated form C relays furnish N.O. and N.C. outputs.