Achieve perfect fit, comfort and maximum protection of hands, arms and eyes. Be safe while welding and reduce the risk of injuries. All personal protection equipment complies with safety regulations and standards.
The MigADCplus is ideal for welders in the manual and manufacturing industries where technical skills and attention to detail
are a must. The MigADCplus provides optimal conditions for
welders to produce high-quality welds.
New ADC* technology in the optical filter compensates
angular dependence significantly. The flashes of light that
welders are exposed to may cause irritation of eyes but the
MigADCplus provides full protection at +/-30° visual angle as well as
full protection of welders’ eye, neck and face movements.
Fully-automatic filter (ADF)
• Externally variable shades 6-8 and 9-13
• Externally adjustable delay
• Externally adjustable sensitivity
• External control knob for choosing weld/grind function
• Field of view 96 x 68.5 mm
• Classification 1/1/1/1
• MigADCplus Standard approved according to EN379, EN175, EN166
• MigADCplus Air approved according to EN379, EN175, EN166,
EN12941, EN14594
MMA (electrode)
• Grinding