Lateral working pits are workstations located below the workshop level, from which assembly work as well as maintenance and repair work can be carried out on the bottom or at the side of rail-guided vehicles.
Ergonomics and safety under floor
In this customer-specific example, the lateral working pits are equipped with folding profile grid covers. The pit covers are electro-hydraulically opened and closed. The swivel mechanism, however, alo allows opening the grids, when vehicles are standing above the pit.
After opening the pit covers and locking them in 90°-position, the grids serve as fall protection.
Usability of the pit covers
In this case, the covers can be cntrolled individually. Thus, it is not only possible to work at the rail vehicle below ground level but at the same time laterally on ground level. This is also provided by the section control.
In this individual product example, each pit is divided into 3 sections, whereby one section consists of several flaps (modules). These are opened or closed after the other.
Of cource, the sections can be designed variably if required.
Monitoring of hinged covers
3 sensors per flap were used for the lifting and lowering movement. They define the end positions of the open and closed position. In addition, the end position of the electric lifting sylinders is monitored in order to ensure the locking and unlocking process.