The Horizontal CNC CMM CARBstrato of Mitutuyo is a large, high-precision, horizontal-type CNC CMM used for measuring car bodies. It comes in two-types: a single-head type, and a dual-head type. The dual head-type measures car bodies by controlling two heads simultaneously. Its guide system is composed of a linear guide at the X-axis, while an air bearing is used at the YZ-axis. It has a measuring range of ( X,Y,Z) 4000-8000mm x 1400-1600mm x 2000 - 2600mm, with an accuracy of (18+20L/1000)µm* and a resolution of 1µm.
Car Body Measuring System
• The world's largest class of CMM The CARBstrato Series is a lineup of horizontal-ram type CNC CMMs, offering the world's largest measurement range that even makes it possible to
measure car bodies.
• Single- & Dual-ram systems
Single- and dual-ram types are available to suit the intended use.
Single-ram type: Measures a workpiece using a single ram
Dual-ram tygp Measures a workpiece placed between two simultaneously controlled rams