600.IS “In Situ”
Model 600.IS "In Situ" Capsule Granulizer
Espresso/Capsule (200 – 450 μm): Up to 400 lb/hr (181 kg/hr)
Up to 400 lb/hr (181 kg/hr)
Up to 400 lb/hr (181 kg/hr)
Product Description
The In Situ is the world’s first “in place” roller grinder for capsule and pod manufacturing, which delivers roller grinder perfection above your packaging equipment. The Model 600.IS is specifically designed for use with single serve coffee packaging machines. This all-in-one grinder produces the optimal grind for “K” cup, espresso and virtually any other grind required for single serve capsule packaging.
Now the quality grind that was previously only achieved with a roller-style grinder can be installed, economically, in tandem with capsule filling machines. It is no longer necessary to compromise with a disc-style grinder.
With the 600.IS normalizer/densifer, virtually any density necessary can be achieved with the Vortex normalizer, while the uniformity and consistency required for this type of packaging is guaranteed.