Non-contact measurement on Launder and Head Box
Internal Camera determines level via Laser spot position
Operates off mirror like sur-faces regardless of angle
Single nozzle keeps out con-taminate an reflections
Configurable filtering with ability to remove bad read-ings
Auto-gain circuit brightens laser when heavy fumes
Operates off molten metal surfaces at up to 2,200°C
Compact unit for confined space well away from heat
Single purged aperture view-ing penetrates heavy steam.
Various Stand-off clearances and working ranges
Measurement frequency of 1 k Hz and 0.3 mm resolution
Serial, Analogue and Digital Outputs
Digital Out-of-range and overheating Alarms
Gate, Vertical, Pin Position & Tap-Out Actuators available
The MDCLS Digital Laser Level Sensors are compact units with integrated optics and signal processor for pre-cise measurement of the liq-uid level. A focused laser spot is illuminated on the molten metal surface and the image distance determined by inter-nal CCD Camera. Installation software is provided for con-nection to a PC and to display measured values.
Measurement of data is via both RS232 and 4-20 mA an-alogue output. The MDCLS operates at a measuring frequency of 1000 measurements per second a serial output update frequency of 1000 measurement points per sec. or lower. The La-ser unit is protected by in a Sec-ondary robust stainless enclosure provided with air inlet with Vortex cooling option as Air purge vent-ing out of the protective nozzle. This enables replacement of the Camera without disturbing mounting configuration. The con-nection cable is encased in a stainless flexible conduit to pro-tect it from metal splash.